Women's attitudes towards their bodies and romantic relationships

I am Gerda Griškonytė, VDU psychology course student. I would appreciate if You could spend few minutes to take part in my study, which will seek to clarify the relationship between women’s attitudes towards their bodies and romantic relationships. The survey is anonymous. All results will be used just for general summary. The survey does not contain right or wrong answers. Your personal opinion is very important. I hope for open and honest answers.

Results are publicly available

1. What is Your age ✪

please specify

2. Marital status: ✪

please choose one answer

3. Duration, in months, of recent relationship. If you are single, duration, in months, of previous relationship: ✪

please specify

4. Your height: ✪

in inches, please specify

5. Your weight: ✪

in pounds, please specify

6. Circle the number, which is currently most accurately defines the way You feel about Your body: ✪

6. Circle the number, which is currently most accurately defines the way You feel about Your body:

7. Circle the number of the figure You would like to look like: ✪

7. Circle the number of the figure You would like to look like:

8. I would like to know how You have been feeling about Your appearance over past four weeks. Please read each questions and choose the appropriate answer to the right. Mark the answer which first springs in Your mind, do not over think. ✪

Over the past four weeks:
NeverRarelySometimesOftenVery oftenAlways
1. Has feeling bored made you brood about your shape?
2. Have you thought that your thighs, hips or bottom are too large for the rest of you?
3. Have you worried about your flesh being not firm enough?
4. Have you felt so bad about your shape that you have cried?
5. Have you avoided running because your flesh might wobble?
6. Has being with thin women made you feel self-conscious about your shape?
7. Have you worried about your thighs spreading out when sitting down?
8. Has eating even a small amount of food made you feel fat?
9. Have you avoided wearing clothes which make you particularly aware of the shape of your body?
10. Has eating sweets, cakes, or other high calorie food made you feel fat?
11. Have you felt ashamed of your body?
12. Has worry about your shape made you diet?
13. Have you felt happiest about your shape when your stomach has been empty (e.g. in the morning)?
14. Have you felt that it is not fair that other women are thinner than you?
15. Have you worried about your flesh being dimply?
16. Has worry about your shape made you feel you ought to exercise?

9. If You are in the relationship at the minute, please read the questions below and circle the number that best defines Your relationship at the time. If You are single, please valuate Your latest relationship according to questions below. ✪

1 - Not at all234567 - Very much
1. How satisfied You are with Your relationship?
2. How committed You are in Your relationship?
3. How close You are in Your relationship?
4. How much You trust Your partner?
5. How passionate is Your relationship?
6. How much You love Your partner?