You are what you eat!

Do you pay attention to what you eat? Do you care about the quality of food sold?

We care about your opinion on the quality of food products produced in Europe.

We invite you to answer 5 questions. It will take no longer than 3 minutes. Thank you!

Does the labeling of a product with a protected geographical indication affect your choice?

Are spirits labeled with a protected geographical indication (Grappa, Kornbrand, Latvijas Dzidrais, Estonian Vodka, Polish vodka, Original Lithuanian vodka, Brandy de Jerez, Armagnac, etc.) exceptional and of higher quality?

Do you pay attention to what additives and substances are used in the production process of a given product?

Is it important to ensure the traceability of food products (who is the producer, where, when, from what raw materials, etc.)?

Please rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the quality (additives used, methods, control and guarantees) of products produced in Europe (e.g., cheese, dairy products, processed vegetables, etc.): 1 poor quality - 10 high quality)

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