Your Body Image

If you could change one thing about societies portrayal of beauty these days, what would you change?

  1. everything
  2. That all body shapes and types are ok and should not be mocked and females should not be ashamed
  3. Not everyone has to look the exact same and no one has a perfect body because there is no such thing as a perfect body. We are all individuals of our own and more people need to start realising that and respecting it.
  4. that different body types can be beautiful & that everyone is unique and we should love that
  5. I hate the whole body shaming in general. All bodies are beautiful and unique in there own way and all bodies should be praised not just skinny bodies and not just curvy bodies.. ALL BODIES.
  6. The way people think about themselves by comparison to others
  7. The fact that they expect all girls to look like models.
  8. Everything
  9. Get to know the person because personality is more important.
  10. Idk tbh