Your preference for discussion topics at the Space Coast Cloud Circle

This short poll is to determine the most popular topics for themed discussions at the

Space Coast Cloud Circle. Please choose One for your least preference through to Five

for your highest preference.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Please indicate your preferred CLOUD discussion topics: With ONE being the least and Three being the highest interest.

How do they save companies money?
What are migration issues going from a legacy system to the cloud?
How secure are computer clouds?
The Greening of IT, how do they reduce the corporate carbon footprint.
What are the shared Best Practices of companies, organizations and cities using clouds?
What skills are required for workers in a cloud environment?
What Industry verticals are best suited for the cloud?
Vertical: How does clouds benefit attorney offices?
Vertical: How does clouds benefit local government offices?
Vertical: How does clouds benefit medical imaging offices?
The Latest Trends with cloud computing?
How does clouds help the small business?

If you see a topic that you would like to see discussed, type it in the form below.

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