Public forms

Personal Investment Survey - copy
The objective of this survey hopes to determine the investment pattern amongst a demographic spread of individuals
Survey of Discovery for the Call Center Industry - Remote Agents - 2
As an industry correspondent, I like to use stats and charts for my writing projects. Your feedback is important to me and it would be very much appreciated if you...
Sterilization of the mentally disabled
Sterilization refers to any of a number of medical techniques that intentionally leave a person unable to reproduce. It is a method of birth control. Sterilization procedures are intended to...
Survey of Discovery for the Call Center Industry - Remote Agents
As an industry correspondent I like to use stats and charts for my writing projects. Your feedback is important to me and it would be very much appreciated if you...
Survey of Discovery for Medical Billing Industry #2
As an industry correspondent, I like to get opinions and stats for my writing projects. Your opinions are important and it is very much appreciated if you would take a...
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Common Sense
Common sense is a collection of views on the surrounding reality, skills, forms of thinking, developed and used by a person in everyday practical activities (wikipedia)
Study of London's rental housing market
Hello, I am a student from Vilnius Gedimas technical university. This survey is important for my final master work. I would be very grateful if you could share your opinion...
Research about tourists in Vilnius
Hello, I am a second year marketing management student. In order to write my final project, I need to conduct research. The purpose of my research is to understand the...
Estonian consumer trends in alcohol consumption
Dear respondents,I am a college student in Vilnius Lithuania and currently writing my thesis for our Trevor on "opportunities in Estonia. The aim of this study is to clarify the...