Public forms

Cosmetic questionnaire
Hello! I am a third-year student from Lithuania in the Advertising Management course at Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the main habits...
What images match your ideas about the south of Moscow?
What images match your ideas about the east of Moscow? After answering the questions, do not forget to click the SUBMIT button at the end.
Cricket poll
Blackberry Brand Perceptions
This is a survey about the Blackberry Brand. Your responses are voluntary and will be confidential. Your answers will be used for academic purposes. Responses will not be identified by...
New print! But which one???
Hello Art Lover!Terrance Osborne has decided to produce a new print but he isn't sure which one. Please help us at Terrance Osborne Gallery by voting for the print you'd...
Wedding Dress Poll
This survey will tell us about what brides want in Kansas City.
Japanese people adaptation in Lithuania
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) 4th year student Monika Lisauskaitė is writing a bachelor's thesis about the way people from Japan adapt in Lithuania and its culture. The main goal of...
Featured Workplace Products
Please complete the following questionnaire to learn more about specific products.
Test 2
Test Pic 101