Public forms

This survey is intended exclusively for research purposes as well as for the academic advancement of students at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pristina. Participation is voluntary.
Whos Hotter?
Who Is Prettier?
Episode 1
Vote for every picture on a scale of 1-10
OTH ships Onetreehillpics' followers like
Who Do You Want To See?
Help your fellow Bisons by telling us who you would like to see interviewed with questions that you want to ask.
Cutting Edge T-shirts
Should Cutting Edge Have T-Shirts?
Psychophysics of the logo
Examine the logo and rate which qualities it conveys for the company it represents.
How are we doing?
Please pick from 1-5, 1 being GREAT!! and 5 being THIS SITE NEEDS SOME MAJOR WORK!!
Express your attitude towards different events of 2014. Don't forget to click SUBMIT at the end of the survey.<p>Rate 27 events from the past year, presented through visuals, based on their significance for you and for Russia, as well as your personal attitude towards these events. The survey is anonymous. Important: you need to provide your answers in both lines of the question - for Russia and for yourself, including if <span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 16.8999996185303px; background-color: #ffffff;">you do not know what this event is</span><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.3em;">.</span></p>&#13; <p><em>I should note that not all events have been included in the survey - the year was too eventful. There is no mention of the countless terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Chechnya (but there is Syria, Iraq, Nigeria), plane crashes (except the most significant ones for us), the referendum on Catalonia's independence, the coup in Abkhazia, or the first shooting by a student at a teacher (geography!) in Russian history at a school. Achievements in science, culture, and sports (except hockey), victories in pop music contests, new TV shows and series, as well as the passing of dozens of well-known and lesser-known people are not mentioned. </em></p>Rate the significance of the event for yourself and for Russia - and your attitude towards it
请根据这些以视觉形象呈现的27个过去一年中的事件,对它们对您和俄罗斯的重要性,以及您对这些事件的个人看法进行评分。调查是匿名的。重要提示:回答选项需要在问题的两行中列出 - 针对俄罗斯和您自己,包括如果您不知道这个事件是什么。 我首先指出,并不是所有事件都包含在调查中 - 这一年实在过于密集。这里没有提到在阿富汗和车臣的无数恐怖袭击(但有叙利亚、伊拉克、尼日利亚),航空灾难(除了对我们最重要的),关于加泰罗尼亚独立公投,阿布哈兹的政变或俄罗斯历史上首次学生向老师(地理老师!)开枪的事件。科学、文化和体育的成就(除了冰球),流行音乐比赛的胜利,新电视节目和剧集,以及几十位著名和不著名人物的离世也未被提及。