Public forms

Please rate ( 0 - 10) my skill of Photography.
Vote for Your Favourite 'Peel' Man Made Attraction
Rank Your Order Of Interest From High To Low
This survey/polling is for data for our MA111 class at the University of Kentucky. We really appreciate your participation. You have just been told that you only have a week...
Which Prints is your Favorite? (Choose Only Four)
I plan to do another giveaway in April but I need to know which four prints you all would like to receive. I will also be including a few *~secret...
Vindictus Maid Costume
Carnival, Carnival, Carnival of paint...
Hello, guys!   Here are the options to vote. Remember: one vote for the KING of the Carnival and another for the QUEEN. Do not cheat ;)   Regards, Ismael
Leadership Style (Tomas)
The following statements will help me to assess my leadership style tendency. As you read each statement, try to think of typical situations and how I (Tomas) usually react. Please...
picture contest !
Hey guys ! Just a few minutes of your time. Choose your top 3 pictures from the below pics.. I'll send the top 3 in high quality to the picture...
College of Health Sciences and Human Services
Maths IA
An investigation into age group preference of contemporary vs. traditional art.