Public forms

Which type of PC do you prefer?
The Power Plant Ambition Test
The Power Plant is researching the ambition levels of men and women in live communication. Help us gain more insight into the industry by completing the test. The test will...
Questionnaire - Pineapple Products' analysis
Pineapple is a young enterprise company in FIBS. We are going to produce some innovative products in the nearest future. In order to reach remarkable results, we need to analyse...
Heart Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Song Choice Poll
To help decide which song Heart will play, at the 2013 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, take this poll and pick the song(s) you want to hear!...
Is there scope for a new Tapas Restaurant / bar in town?
The Social Butterflies mission is to get our business community talking. Helping them connect with their customers & giving the customers what they want ...Think of us as the Hosts...
test survey
Co-ed or Only Deltas?
We have the option to play with BOYS BOYS BOYS! so we would team up with a fraternity if that's what the majority of girls want. If not, we will...
Thoughts about us....
Animated movie
Livonia Franklin High School - Harlem Shake?