Public forms

Choices in Typography
Please take some time and rate the choices in the following examples. Which ones do you think fit best?
Graduate Representative
IT Consultants relocation requirements
The aim of this survey is to collect relative information regarding relocation issues among Senior Consultants in IT sphere. Considering the fact that nowadays more and more IT consultants are...
Which icon do you like for our new church app?
Which image do you find more appealing as a pattern/graphic for apparel?
Choice 1Choice 2Choice 3Choice 4Choice 5
Who is the best fighter ever?
Wine Consumption
Hello,We are three students from FGV University working on a consumer behaviour project. We would appreciate if you could spend a minute to answer our short, anonymous survey on wine...
Wine Consumption
Hello,We are three students from FGV University working on a consumer behaviour project. We would appreciate if you could spend a minute to answer our short, anonymous survey on wine...
Is this spino looking good?
One of our tribemates painted his Spino and thinks he looks great, now there is a discussion in our tribe atm and we need to decide whether it looks good...
What Should I Draw?
Give me something to draw and it will be added to my queue. I'll draw it unless it's insanely vulgar or mean. And even then, I'll do my best. I...