Public forms

Gaming and piracy
The aim of this poll is to determine if there is any correlation between the amount of time people spend gaming and the chances that they pirate their games.
Online Shopping
Jamboy 2.0-Now with no vote rigging!
Everything you loved about the last Jamboy votes, except now with less vote rigging, scandals, and general bigotry. Enjoy the fun and games of Jamboy 2.0!
The impact on implementing full body imaging at HKIA
I am a final year student of Aviation management in Coventry University. I am doing a research project regarding the impact of implementing full body imaging in Hong Kong International...
Who will be smothered in Jam to be feasted upon by the insects in a sacrifice for the others? Find out with this poll!
The attitude of household waste disposal charges among Hong Kong young adults
Exploring factors affecting passenger’s selection of franchised bus as access mode to airport in Hong Kong.
I am a final year student of Aviation Management in Coventry University. I am doing a research project on exploring factors affecting passenger’s selection of franchised bus as access mode...
Effects/Sensations It would be very helpful to add one more word, Thank you (:
One+Love Consumer Survey
One+Love wants to provide its users with the most useful and engaging content possible. Please take a moment to answer this poll so that we can learn more about you!
Health and Fitness – what importance does this trend hold in the young population?
The following questionnaire concerns all students and trainees residing in North Rhine-Westphalia. By taking 3 minutes of your time, you help students of the Fontys International Business School with a...