Public forms

To prepare the pitch, we need some quick & dirty information about breakfast habits in our area. Perfect for a morning challenge for everyone!J Thank you for your help!
Online shopping cart (basket) abandonment specifics
This research questionnaire is conducted as part of my Business Project assignment. As a third year student, my task is to formulate a questionnaire which would give insight into online...
HFNY Colors
What color do you most associate with Hope for New York?
Charlie Sheen
Hello, this is a survey about Charlie Sheen and the opinions and perceptions people have of him.Would you help me answer it? Thank you!
Media Image Analysis of Lindsay Lohan
Hello, I hope you are doing very well. I am conducting a media image analysis of Lindsay Lohan and I would greatly appreciate your help in answering the following survey....
Sexuality and Gender
I am currently a student at my local college where I am studying psychology. I am doing a research project on the relationship between sexuality, gender and negative experiences due...
Hotels in the U.S. will change to better suit Chinese customers in the next 10 years.
Tourism in France
My name is Vlada Busha. I am conducting a research paper about tourism in France. Please answer the following questions honestly. Thank you in advance
Tourism in France
My name is Vlada Busha. I am conducting a research paper about tourism in France. Please answer the following questions honestly. Thank you in advance Name: Age: Gender: Nationality:
Wind power in Lithuania and Denmark