Dear respondent, I kindly request your participation in completing a survey, your response will bring key insights on investigating the impact of a knowledge sharing environment that mediates participative decision making that impacts individual work performance while paternalistic leadership is a moderating factor.

My name is Jullien Ramirez, I am a master student in the Human Resource Management study program at Vilnius University, I greatly appreciate the time and effort taken to contribute to this research. I assure all anonymity and confidentiality to all participants to maintain the ethical standards of research.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Please evaluate the leadership traits of your immediate supervisor. The statements are based on a 6-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3 (Slightly disagree), 4 (Slightly agree), 5 (Agree), 6 (Strongly agree). ✪

Choose the statement that best relays your opinion.
1- strongly disagree2- disagree3- slightly disagree4- slightly agree5- agree6- strongly agree
Appears to be intimidating in front of his/her subordinates
Brings me a lot of pressure when we work together
Very strict with his/her subordinates
Scolds me when I fail expected target
Disciplines me for violation of his/her principles
Often shows his/her concern about me
Understands my preference enough to accommodate my personal requests
Encourages me when I encounter difficulties in work
Would try to understand the real cause of my unsatisfied performance
Trains and coaches me when I lack required abilities at work
Is responsible on the job
Takes responsibility on job and never shirks his/her duty
Well self-disciplined before demanding upon others
Leads, rather than follows, subordinates to deal with difficult tasks

Please evaluate your individual performance behavior in your current organization. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with these statements based on a 5 point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (Neither agree or Disagree), 4 (agree), 5 (Strongly agree)

Choose the statement that best relays your opinion.
1- strongly disagree2- disagree3- neither agree or disagree4- agree5- strongly agree
I managed to plan my work so that I finished it on time
I kept in mind the work result I needed to achieve
I was able to set priorities
I was able to carry out my work efficiently
I managed my time well
On my own initiative, I started new task when my old tasks were completed
I took on challenging tasks when they were available
I worked on keeping my job-related knowledge up to date
I worked on keeping my work skills up to date
I came up with creative solutions for new problems
I took on extra responsibilities
I continually sought new challenges in my work
I actively participated in meetings and/or consultations
I complained about minor work-related issues at work
I made problems at work bigger than they were
I focused on the negative aspects of situation at work instead of the positive aspects
I talked to colleagues about the negative aspects of my work
I talked to people outside the organization about the negative aspects of my work

Please evaluate the level of your involvement in decision-making processes in your current organization. The statements below are based on a 5-point Likert-Type scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (Neither agree or Disagree), 4 (agree), 5 (Strongly agree)

Choose the statement that best relays your opinion.
1- strongly disagree2- disagree3- neither agree or disagree4- agree5- strongly agree
I have influence on how I perform my job
I am able to decide how to do my job
I have influence on what goes on in my work group
I have influence on decisions which affect my job
My superiors are receptive and listen to my ideas and suggestions

Please evaluate the extent of knowledge exchange and collaboration within your current organization. The statements are based on a 5 point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (Neither agree or Disagree), 4 (agree), 5 (Strongly agree)

Choose the statement that best relays your opinion.
1- strongly disagree2- disagree3- neither agree or disagree4- agree5- strongly agree
People in my organization frequently share existing reports and official documents with members of my organization
People in my organization frequently share reports and official documents that they prepare by themselves with members of my organization
People in my organization frequently collect reports and official documents from others in their work
People in my organization are frequently encouraged by knowledge sharing mechanisms
People in my organization are frequently offered a variety of training and development programs
People in my organization are facilitated by IT systems invested for knowledge sharing
People in my organization frequently share knowledge based on their experience
People in my organization frequently collect knowledge from others based on their experience.
People in my organization frequently share knowledge of know-where or know whom with others
People in my organization frequently collect knowledge of know-where or know whom with others
People in my organization frequently share knowledge based on their expertise
People in my organization frequently collect knowledge from others based on their expertise
People in my organization will share lessons from past failures when they feel necessary

Kindly answer this question with your current age

Please indicate your gender

Please indicate the level of education you've obtained

Please indicate the level of work experience you have in your field

Please indicate your organizational tenure

Please indicate the Industry of your current organization

Please indicate the size of your current organization