An exploration of the information needs of international students and the extent to which they are met at the University of Ulster

This questionnaire measures the importance of the factors related to higher education institution and information sources when deciding on a future higher education institution. Please fill in the questionnaire as completely as possible. All answers are confidential. No names are required.

1. Gender

2. How old are you?

3. What is your country of origin?

4. Indicate your current academic study year

5. Please indicate the level/type of your current studies

6. According to the scale below, please indicate the extent to which the factors listed below are important to you in making informed decision regarding the higher education institution

According to the scale below, please indicate the extent to which the information needs on these factors were met by the University of Ulster.

7. Please indicate the level of importance of various information sources in providing information on higher education institution.

Back to your experience at gathering information about the University of Ulster, to what extent were the following information sources effective in meeting your information needs regarding the University of Ulster?

8. I agree that information provided by universities helps me to make better choice.

9. Have you ever had difficulties in getting particular information about University of Ulster?

10. What is your overall level of satisfaction with information access about the University of Ulster?

11. What is your overall level of satisfaction with the institution itself?

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