An exploration of the information needs of international students and the extent to which they are met at the University of Ulster

This questionnaire measures the importance of the factors related to higher education institution and information sources when deciding on a future higher education institution. Please fill in the questionnaire as completely as possible. All answers are confidential. No names are required.
Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Gender ✪

2. How old are you? ✪

3. What is your country of origin? ✪

Please specify if other

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

4. Indicate your current academic study year ✪

5. Please indicate the level/type of your current studies ✪

6. According to the scale below, please indicate the extent to which the factors listed below are important to you in making informed decision regarding the higher education institution ✪

Scale: Very important 1; Important 2; Neither important, nor unimportant 3; Not important 4; Not important at all 5.
Location of the institution
Country/town image
Image of the institution
Size of student population (gender composition, racial diversity)
Small classes for better learning
Academic reputation
Teaching methods
Teaching quality
Reputation of staff at the institution
Security/safety on campus
Career opportunities
Part-time work opportunities
Employment rates for graduates from the university
Opportunities for higher degree study
Price (course fees, flexibility in payment, transport and living costs)
University spending on scholarships and teaching
Course (duration, content, structure, assessment)
Wide choice of subjects/ courses
Flexible study mode (evening classes and use of computers)
Admission requirements
Facilities on campus (accommodation, dining halls, shops, libraries, laboratories, computers, sport equipment)
Private accommodation near institution
Research activities
Research reputation
Athletic rating
Customer /student orientation
News coverage
Public relations
Information offered by faculty
Academic staff approachability
Various internship/practicum programs
Priority of attracting foreign students
International student culture
International accepted qualifications
Participates in students/staff exchange programmes
International competitive research outputs
English usage
Immigration/Visa procedures
Political stability
Social opportunities
Opportunity for fun

According to the scale below, please indicate the extent to which the information needs on these factors were met by the University of Ulster. ✪

Scale: Excellent 1; Good 2; Neither good, nor bad 3; Not good 4; Not good at all 5.
Don't have experience
Location of the institution
Country/town image
Image of the institution
Size of student population (gender composition, racial diversity)
Small classes for better learning
Academic reputation
Teaching methods
Teaching quality
Reputation of staff at the institution
Security/safety on campus
Career opportunities
Part-time work opportunities
Employment rates for graduates from the university
Opportunities for higher degree study
Price (course fees, flexibility in payment, transport and living costs)
University spending on scholarships and teaching
Course (duration, content, structure, assessment)
Wide choice of subjects/ courses
Flexible study mode (evening classes and use of computers)
Admission requirements
Facilities on campus (accommodation, dining halls, shops, libraries, laboratories, computers, sport equipment)
Private accommodation near institution
Research activities
Research reputation
Athletic rating
Customer /student orientation
News coverage
Public relations
Information offered by faculty
Academic staff approachability
Various internship/practicum programs
Priority of attracting foreign students
International student culture
International accepted qualifications
Participates in students/staff exchange programmes
International competitive research outputs
English usage
Immigration/Visa procedures
Political stability
Social opportunities
Opportunity for fun

7. Please indicate the level of importance of various information sources in providing information on higher education institution. ✪

Scale: Very important 1; Important 2; Neither important, nor unimportant 3; Not important 4; Not important at all 5.
University publications (newsletters)
University websites
Articles in mass media (radio, TV, magazines, newspapers)
Advertisements in mass media (radio, TV, magazines, newspapers)
Presentation held by high schools’ teachers
Presentation held by university representatives
Word-of-mouth (friends, high school colleagues and other people)
Campus visits & Open days
Other students (alumni)
Educational agents
League tables/rating
Social networks (Facebook, Twitter)
Regional information fairs
University telephone hotlines
Promotional material (brochures, booklets, CD’s, advertisements)
Educational expo
Internet (Blogs, forums)

Back to your experience at gathering information about the University of Ulster, to what extent were the following information sources effective in meeting your information needs regarding the University of Ulster? ✪

Scale: Excellent 1; Good 2; Neither good, nor bad 3; Not good 4; Not good at all 5.
Don't have experience
University publications (newsletters)
University websites
Articles in mass media (radio, TV, magazines, newspapers)
Advertisements in mass media (radio, TV, magazines, newspapers)
Presentation held by high schools’ teachers
Presentation held by university representatives
Word-of-mouth (friends, high school colleagues and other people)
Campus visits & Open days
Other students (alumni)
Educational agents
League tables/rating
Social networks (Facebook, Twitter)
Regional information fairs
Promotional material (brochures, booklets, CD’s, advertisements)
University telephone hotlines
Educational expo
Internet (Blogs, forums)

8. I agree that information provided by universities helps me to make better choice. ✪

9. Have you ever had difficulties in getting particular information about University of Ulster? ✪

10. What is your overall level of satisfaction with information access about the University of Ulster? ✪

11. What is your overall level of satisfaction with the institution itself? ✪