Apple company marketing strategy

Research question :

              Why do people choose Apple IT products?

             What important and exceptional feature of Apple IT products attracts customers the most?

Your gender

Please choose the age category you belong to:

What is your total monthly income?

When considering buying a new IT (technical) product, what are the top two things you generally consider? Please mark only TWO characteristics that you find most important.

If you chose "Other" in the previous question, please fill in your answer.

  1. storage space, speed, camera/audio quality, reception strength, etc.
  2. convenience

How/why did you choose to buy the Apple product you are currently using?

If you chose "Other" in the previous question, please fill in your answer.

  1. friend advised
  2. because it's an internationally famous brand
  3. cause it's

Below are a few statements about Apple products. Please provide your opinion on each of the statements below.

You are currently using an Apple product. How satisfied are you with your experience using it?

The Apple IT product you are currently using, would you recommend it to others?

How important is price to you when choosing this IT (technical) product?

If today Apple and any other IT (technical) company presented an equivalent new product, which one would you choose? (move the button according to your opinion)

In your own words, what changes could you suggest for the Apple product you have now?

  1. it should support bluetooth.
  2. no
  3. please lower the price.
  4. apps usage
  5. yes, i like to.
  6. free song downloads and video sharing
  7. key functions are different from other mobiles.
  8. interesting features
  9. different colors will be launched, such as green and blue.
  10. less expensive

In your own words, what changes could you suggest to improve Apple service?

  1. no
  2. na
  3. nothing
  4. yes, i will do it.
  5. no
  6. no suggestions
  7. no comments
  8. keep different
  9. more stores
  10. compatibility
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