6-Explain the reasons for your choice for EACH selection you make above. Then comment on other videos below

  1. f
  2. q
  3. t
  4. r
  5. a
  6. q
  7. more information good script
  8. g
  9. the movie is very creative.
  10. 7
  11. ads
  12. asds
  13. good one
  14. dfdgfws
  15. 6
  16. good
  17. sdfasdfads
  18. adafasd
  19. 4
  20. aaaa
  21. sfas
  22. k
  23. j
  24. i really liked the movie.
  25. good
  26. very nice
  27. the best movie of all
  28. nice work.. the team is good.
  29. creativity and more fun one
  30. nice movie
  31. the script of the movie is very nice.
  32. good
  33. the movie is very fantastic, dob is good.
  34. perfect poster, script, and actors
  35. asds
  36. goodddd
  37. gamed
  38. sweet
  39. great movie
  40. hght
  41. good
  42. awesome
  43. wow
  44. not the best
  45. i enjoyed watching a few, but the death records were a neat idea. good work.
  46. wow
  47. the acting and editing are nice.
  48. good
  49. the movie is very beautiful.
  50. perfect
  51. the taxi scene is amazing.
  52. the idea is not very clear.
  53. i've been asked to vote.
  54. the movie is very beautiful.
  55. i really liked the movie and its events are interconnected.
  56. the idea is very good.
  57. very nice work
  58. it's amazing.
  59. work is good.
  60. nice one, perfect.
  61. beautiful job.
  62. the scene of the incident is amazing.
  63. very nice idea
  64. like the movie
  65. because i like the subject, is what we face until now.
  66. the actors
  67. beautiful acting
  68. the performance is a masterpiece, and the choice of music is beautiful and appropriate at the right times.
  69. the actor is a taxi driver, and there are still flaws, but i accept that he is not great.
  70. the actor judy
  71. good
  72. the idea is nice, the execution is good, and the acting is beautiful.
  73. wonderful
  74. the actors and filming
  75. the scenes are beautiful and all interconnected.
  76. awesome!
  77. the movie is very good.
  78. very beautiful.
  79. the mazank
  80. the performance
  81. the actors
  82. good
  83. beautiful
  84. great performance
  85. the editing is beautiful and wonderful.
  86. good
  87. ل
  88. nice team
  89. the scene of le corbusier is nice, but it could have been better than this.
  90. good
  91. jaoudi
  92. good
  93. teamwork is very nice.
  94. good
  95. good
  96. nice acting and creative
  97. good
  98. good
  99. good
  100. the movie is very great on youtube, but it is unfair here because there is no sound and the picture is not clear.