Comment about 11 Mind battles

  1. hgbsfd
  2. fadfas
  3. fasdf
  4. very very bad
  5. no
  6. ..
  7. love it
  8. hahhah
  9. 11
  10. good
  11. good
  12. nice
  13. very good
  14. good
  15. good
  16. like like like
  17. perfect
  18. didn't watch
  19. hshsbsbsbbsbsbs
  20. i enjoyed it.
  21. amazing
  22. ..
  23. good work
  24. nice
  25. bad
  26. ???
  27. bad
  28. didn't watch
  29. ok
  30. .
  31. good movie
  32. bad
  33. mnvc
  34. bad
  35. didn't watch
  36. oo
  37. good
  38. good
  39. bad
  40. didn't watch
  41. t
  42. ..
  43. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  44. didn't see it.
  45. ,,,
  46. didn't watch.
  47. lll
  48. very good
  49. 3agbnii
  50. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  51. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  52. not the best
  53. dfffds
  54. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  55. nice
  56. /
  57. good
  58. perfect
  59. 7lw
  60. p
  61. :d
  62. good and interesting
  63. i think it's a great idea that i like, which highlights an important problem for our society and adults, especially these days. nice work.
  64. mnwrrr
  65. not bad
  66. good
  67. lol
  68. okay
  69. to7faaaaaaa
  70. kjlh
  71. gamed
  72. adgjk
  73. hjjhg
  74. didn't watch.
  75. like it
  76. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  77. dsvfd
  78. nice
  79. mind-blowing
  80. 7lw
  81. good
  82. perfect
  83. X
  84. nice
  85. awesome
  86. best film
  87. niceee
  88. bad
  89. 7lwwww awii
  90. bad
  91. this video needs improvement; it was lacking in quality.
  92. nice
  93. looooool
  94. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  95. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  96. fabulous
  97. nice end
  98. j,jj,j,j,
  99. good
  100. 请提供需要翻译的内容。