Comment about 20 Difference is Discordance

  1. .
  2. bad
  3. goodg
  4. good
  5. mmmmm
  6. .
  7. not good
  8. after
  9. good
  10. the name of the film is interesting.
  11. good
  12. amazing
  13. bad
  14. H
  15. good
  16. bad course
  17. not nice
  18. new idea
  19. nice
  20. bad
  21. bad
  22. bad
  23. bad
  24. bad
  25. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  26. good
  27. ..
  28. no
  29. nice
  30. bad
  31. bad
  32. bad
  33. bad
  34. bad
  35. good
  36. bad
  37. bad
  38. bad
  39. very bad
  40. bad
  41. bad
  42. bad
  43. bad
  44. very bad
  45. bad
  46. good
  47. bad
  48. bad
  49. lm
  50. bad
  51. bad
  52. bad
  53. bad
  54. bad
  55. bad
  56. bad
  57. ghulalah
  58. the idea, teamwork, and sound are very good.
  59. ok
  60. bad
  61. ok
  62. good idea
  63. good
  64. bad
  65. the most amazing idea and acting
  66. (y)
  67. ok
  68. good one.
  69. bad
  70. okay
  71. good work ....
  72. good
  73. ok
  74. this is a good idea.
  75. bad
  76. did not understand it
  77. bad
  78. not good
  79. there is a good idea.
  80. bad
  81. the entrance scene really attracts me. nice video.
  82. good
  83. bad
  84. bad
  85. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  86. bad
  87. good
  88. yes
  89. very good and fantastic
  90. fantastic and very good
  91. .
  92. no
  93. pass
  94. i like it.
  95. good job.
  96. O
  97. .
  98. .
  99. good
  100. nice