Can good quality of service in a hospitality business affect customer's decision on choosing a service/product to purchase/consume?

Depending on your answer to the question above, can you briefly explain why your selected answer is the most important element for your decision?

  1. quality only reveals the truth of the hotel.
  2. i want to go to a place where i can get all the facilities i need and feel satisfied.
  3. na
  4. the service provided will help us have a good time.
  5. a
  6. A
  7. that gives the best impression. as a good customer, i prefer quality over price.
  8. hotels should provide better service at cheaper rates.
  9. quality of service
  10. price is always ultimate.
  11. because it is one of the most important aspects
  12. depending on income
  13. because location tells us whether the area where the hotel is built is safe or not. it also saves us transportation costs if we know which area we want to be around.
  14. i prefer the amenities. the number of things or activities at the destination.
  15. i always try to look for quality, in a good location, and with good fries.
  16. i will not stay in a place where the quality of customer service is bad; it must be good for me to stay there.
  17. better reputation, better quality.
  18. comfort quality is a key factor for me.
  19. price plays a huge role because one has to consider it every day.
  20. when i purchase the service, i do not want to be disappointed at any time.
  21. the quality of the restaurant will determine the service standard; focusing on quality means expecting good service, primarily regarding the product purchased.
  22. when i choose a hotel, i usually check the price first before anything else.
  23. because i do not like public transportation.
  24. i hate bad service.
  25. for the comfort and satisfaction
  26. reputation from friends who believe it was a great experience overall.
  27. people are now more aware of their health, so they are willing to pay more for high-quality food.
  28. the feedback and reputation will set the customer's expectations before using or purchasing the service/product.
  29. because even if the hotel has a perfect location and good price, it would mean nothing without good service. go adoooool!
  30. shows a good management system. a good management system is the backbone of any successful business.
  31. i choose quality because it matters to me that the product i am purchasing has a good reputation based on its quality.
  32. because i am a student.
  33. service demonstrates a person's passion for helping others.
  34. the hospitality service/product must have good quality.
  35. as i am just a student with a limited budget, the price is very important :)
  36. i'm poor.
  37. the reputation and star rating meet the customer's expectations before being there.