Car Brands Engagement On Twitter

What is you opinion about car brands advertising, engaging with their audience using Twitter as social media platform? Is it better in some ways then other social media platforms? Or worse? What are the pros and cons in your opinion?

  1. Don’t know
  2. Twitter is not that popular in Lithuania so i dont even have an account in twitter
  3. I don't know
  4. I don’t have one as I don’t see any
  5. That is a good platform to advertising, as you can get a certification on account use various hashtags, an easy popular platform for car brands to engage with their audience and advertise their products
  6. I don’t see the difference between one social media from another, in any case the main purpose remains the same - advertising the product, thus the consumers can discuss and comment below the product.
  7. Pros- They being more engaging with their audience and trying to be more relatable with them Cons- i dont really see any cons.
  8. Nenaudoju
  9. I think it’s a good marketing strategy, I think twitter is still one of the best ways to engage with a lot of people at once and attract new followers.
  10. I think there are better platforms than Twitter for this