Coupon use

The purpose of this survey is to gather information about your coupon use. It is part of our final bachelor thesis.
We would appreciate if you would spend 4-5 min completing it.

Thank you in advance

Coupon use
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your Gender? ✪

What is your age? ✪

How much is your annual income approximately, after taxes? (NOK) ✪

Which of the following electronic devices do you possess? (Multiple choice) ✪

Have you ever used a coupon? ✪

How likely would you be to use coupons for: ✪

(1= Not likely, 7= Very likely)
Your next online shopping
Future shopping
Your next in-store shopping

How likely would you be to redeem the following coupons? ✪

(1= Not likely, 7= Very likely)
Coupons in Newspapers
Coupons in Magazines
Coupons found on the internet
Coupons received in the mail
Coupons received from an application (App)
Coupons received via SMS

How often do you redeem the following coupons? ✪

(1= Never, 7= Always)
Coupons in Newspapers
Coupons in Magazines
Coupons found on the internet
Coupons received in the mail
Coupons received from an application (App)
Coupons received via SMS

How likely would you be to redeem coupons with the following features: ✪

(1= Not likely, 7= Very likely)
Short expiration date
Long expiration date
Before expiration date

Which of the following coupons "speak" most to you based on the price display? Please rank ✪

(1= Very bad, 5=Very good)
Which of the following coupons "speak" most to you based on the price display? Please rank
Coupon 1
Coupon 2
Coupon 3
Coupon 4
Coupon 5

How likely would you be to redeem each of the following coupons? Please rank by priority ✪

(1=last priority, 5=best priority)
How likely would you be to redeem each of the following coupons? Please rank by priority
1st Priority2nd Priority3rd Priority4th Priority5th Priority
Coupon 1
Coupon 2
Coupon 3
Coupon 4
Coupon 5

How much do you agree with the following statements? ✪

(1= Do not agree, 5= Agree)
I prefer cents-off coupon
I prefer percentage-off coupon
I prefer the final subtracted price shown on the coupon
I find it indifferent

Which of the following product categories would you prefer to receive a discount on (Multiple choices) ✪