Differences among mobile phone consumers

a research about cross-cultural differences (among Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian mobile phones’ consumers) in information search and decision-making process, also in perception of two popular brands (NOKIA and Samsung). please at the end of questionnaire push "OK" :) If you would like to see the results, please push "SURVEY RESULTS". My contacts: [email protected], phone +37068660847. Julia.
Questionnaire results are publicly available

Do you have your own mobile phone?

What brand is it?

If other, please, write its brand name

Did you ever have a NOKIA phone?

Did you like it?

Did you ever have a Samsung phone?

Did you like it?

How often do you buy a new mobile phone?

What kind of information source do you use before making a purchase? • Friends or family

• Exhibitions

• Consumer magazines

• Direct mail advertisements

• Salespeople

• Articles in the press

• Advertisement in the press

• TV (except advertisements)

• Advertisements on TV

• Radio commercials

• Outdoor advertisements

• Internet

How long does it usually take for you to make a choice? after you understand - you need a new one

At the moment you buy a new mobile phone you usually have______ information for making your choice.

Buying a new mobile phone for you is important: a. Main functions (making calls, writing MMS, SMS..)

b. Specific functions (camera, MP3 player, Dictaphone, etc.)

c. External appearance

d. Emotional satisfaction

Please evaluate each attribute of the mobile phones in terms of how important it is for you. 1. Color

2. Appearance

3. Form

4. Name (image, logo)

5. Expertise not required

6. Ease of use

7. Servicing & warranty available

8. Price of product

9. Memory space

10. Battery’s capacity

11. Health & Safety

12. Originality (image, style, design)

13. Convenience (comfort, size)

14. Mobile internet, GPRS

15. Bluetooth

16. Camera

17. MP3 player (+Dictaphone)

18. Mass customization (Everybody has it)

19. Additional equipment (Hands-free, travel charger, etc.)

Please pick three definitions for NOKIA from the list below. (cntrl+)

Samsung (cntrl+)

Main functions of these two brands’ mobile phones are

How well NOKIA presents features in its phones? general opinion on all Nokia's phones. 1. Appearance

NOKIA 2. Brand name (image, logo)

NOKIA 3. Expertise not required

NOKIA 4. Ease of use

NOKIA 5. Servicing & warranty

NOKIA 6. Price of product

NOKIA 7. Battery’s capacity

NOKIA 8. Health & Safety

NOKIA 9. Originality (image, style, design)

NOKIA 10. Convenience (comfort, size)

NOKIA 11. Camera’s quality

NOKIA 12. Additional equipment (Hands-free, travel charger, etc.)

How well Samsung presents these features in its mobile phones? 1. Appearance

Samsung 2. Brand name (image, logo)

3. Expertise not required

Samsung 4. Ease of use

Samsung 5. Servicing & warranty

Samsung 6. Price of product

Samsung 7. Battery’s capacity

Samsung 8. Health & Safety

Samsung 9. Originality (image, style, design)

Samsung 10. Convenience (comfort, size)

Samsung 11. Camera’s quality

Samsung 12. Additional equipment (Hands-free, travel charger, etc.)

How old are you?

What is your nationality?

Your gender:

Are you a student?

Where and what do you study?

Please indicate your year at university (1,2,3,4,etc):