Distribution logistics and customer satisfaction

  Good afternoon, my name is Viktorija and I am studying at the University of Vilnius and now I am writing my diploma, I would be grateful if you could answer my questions, thank you!

You gender

How old are you?

Have you ever heard about distribution logistics?

How do you think, distribution logistics are important to the company? Customers? Both?

What is important to you in a store?

How long are you willing to wait for your product?

  1. about one week
  2. week
  3. 1 week
  4. 1-2 days
  5. it depends on what kind of product it is.
  6. i don't like waiting more than 2 weeks for a product.
  7. 1 day
  8. week
  9. 1-2 weeks
  10. 1 week

Will you change companies if the waiting time is long?

How do you think the company can improve distribution logistics?

  1. improving inventory management can be achieved by implementing a reliable inventory tracking system, utilizing demand forecasting, and establishing clear communication channels between the various departments involved in the distribution process.
  2. indifferent
  3. i don't know.
  4. .
  5. yes
  6. keep more stock in warehouses, limit purchases per customer, partner with faster shipping companies.
  7. by using big data to prevent peak demands.
  8. reduce waiting time by changing partners if things go wrong.
  9. make it faster.
  10. implementing a line management system.

Is it important for you that the goods are delivered to your home or can you pick them up at the store?

Does it matter to you?

What products do you pay attention to?

Is a product warranty important to you?

What is the optimal repair time for your product?

What is the best warranty period for you?

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