Distribution logistics and customer satisfaction

How do you think the company can improve distribution logistics?

  1. Improving inventory management can be done by implementing a reliable inventory tracking system, using demand forecasting, and establishing clear communication channels between different departments involved in the distribution process.
  2. Indifferent
  3. i dont know
  4. .
  5. Yes
  6. Keep more stock in warehouses, limit purchases per customer, partner with faster shipping companies
  7. By using big data and prevent peak demands.
  8. reduce waiting time by changing partners if things go wrong
  9. Make it faster
  10. Implementing a line management system.
  11. -
  12. If everything works and each part does his job then It has to be ok
  13. None
  14. Idk
  15. Digitalize end to end supply chain processes
  16. Order more goods and store them
  17. Efficient communication between all links from the supplier up to the consumer, and planning ahead to ensure all seasonal holidays are taken into account.
  18. ദ്ദി^._.^)
  19. Not sure about that
  20. Having regional distro centers
  21. Improve the selling time, waiting time