E-commerce in the clothing industry

Dear Respondent, My name is Lina and I am an exchange student currently attending Aarhus University. My aim in conducting this study is to measure the state of electronic commerce (goods purchasing on the internet) in Denmark. The goal is to identify obstacles to e-commerce in the clothing industry. This is an anonymous questionnaire, and I hope that your sincere and precise answers will help us achieve the most objective and accurate results. Please cross the answers and at the dots – write your opinion. Thank you for agreeing to respond to the questionnaire. Thank you for your time!
Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Are you:

2. Are you:

3. Your status:

4. If you use e-commerce, what do you use to purchase on the internet?

5. How often do you purchase clothing on the Internet?

6. Why do you choose to shop for clothing on the Internet instead of shopping in a store?

7. What are the greatest advantages of using e-commerce over shopping for clothes in downtown?

7.1. What are the greatest advantages of using e-commerce over shopping for clothes in downtown?

If you chose "other"

8.1. How many percent of your budget for clothing purchases is allocated to the Internet versus shopping downtown? (Write a number. Total spending on clothing both online and downtown should equal 100%)

Using e-commerce to purchase clothes on the Internet ……….. % (if you are not buying clothes on the Internet at all, then 'using e-commerce purchase clothes on the internet 0 %')

8.2. How many percent of your budget for clothing purchases is allocated to the Internet versus shopping downtown? (Write a number. Total spending on clothing both online and downtown should equal 100%)

Shopping downtown ……….. % (if you are not buying clothes on the Internet at all, but used to purchase them downtown, then 'shopping in downtown 100 %')

9. From which countries have you purchased clothes via the Internet?

10. Why don’t you purchase clothing from abroad?

10.1. Why don’t you purchase clothing from abroad?

If you chose "other"

11. What advice would you like to offer to the e-commerce companies you use that, if adopted, would simplify your shopping?

11.1. What advice would you like to offer to the e-commerce companies you use that, if adopted, would simplify your shopping?

If you chose "other"