Enter the Norwegian Market (part 2)

Welcome to Part N2 of our Norwegian Market Entry Readiness Survey.

Your involvement not only contributes to the enhancement of your business but also provides valuable insights for companies looking to outsource IT services globally.

As a token of our gratitude, we are pleased to extend a special discount on Verified IT Provider review services.

Enter the Norwegian Market (part 2)
Questionnaire results are publicly available

6. How long has your company been operating?

7. How many international clients does your company currently serve?

8. How many full-time employees does your company have? (excluding freelancers and contractors)

9. What IT services do you plan to offer to the market in Norway?

10. What is the preferred size of projects or clients your company is interested in pursuing in Norway?

11. What level of market research have you conducted or plan to conduct for the Norwegian market?

12. What marketing strategies do you plan to employ in Norway?

13. What are your plans for providing customer support and service to your clients in Norway?

Do you foresee the need for physical localization?

15. How do you plan to build your team to work with the Norwegian market?

16. Are there specific regulations or certifications that are crucial for your IT business to operate in Norway?

17. Do you have a budget in place for your market entry into Norway?

18. What is your expected timeline for entering the Norwegian market and achieving your market penetration goals?

19. Is there any other information or specific concerns related to entering the Norwegian market that you would like to share?

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

Thank you for your time and responses. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to offer you a special discount on our Verified IT Provider review services. If you are interested in getting more information about it, please write in your e-mail.

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

If you would like to receive survey results in the 1st week of January 2024, please insert your email address here.