Factors Influencing Customers’ Choice of a Bank

Dear Respondents,

We are Alina Usialite, Senem Zarali, Yeshareg Berhanu Mojo, and Tarana Tasnim, undergraduate students of Business Management (BSc) at Klaipeda University. Currently, we are undertaking a research entitled Factors Influencing Customers’ Choice of a Bank. This is purely an opinion survey and used for academic purposes maintaining the confidentiality of respondents.  The survey takes only 10 minutes.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your time and participation in the survey!

General Instructions

The questionnaire is designed based on a 5 points Likert scale. Please respond to the questions based on your level of agreement.

The poll results are public

1. Price Related Factors ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
1.1. Rate of interest charged for loans is smaller as compared to other banks
1.2. Rate of interest paid on saving deposits is higher than other banks
1.3. The Service charge paid to bank services is lower as compared to other banks

2. Availability of Services/Resources ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
2.1. Loans are easily available or accessible
2.2. Forex resources are easy to get in the bank
2.3. Other bank services like money transfer, check and cash related services can be accessed easily

3. Service Quality ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
3.1. The range of services offered is the best among the industry
3.2. The information provided on services is the best among the industry
3.3. The speed of services is the highest among the industry

4. Accessibility ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
4.1. Branch Opening and closing hours are convenient
4.2. Service through online banking are available 24/7
4.3. Service through private banking is available when needed
4.4. Branches are in accessible location

5. E-banking ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
5.1. The number of ATMs is adequate and accessible
5.2. The bank provides mobile banking services
5.3. Internet banking services are convenient

6. Staff and Management ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
6.1. There are friendly and helpful personnel in the bank
6.2. Management responds well to complaints and service failures
6.3. The bank is been running by reputable management group and board members

7. Reputation and confidence ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
7.1. Reputation in the market is necessary
7.2. Safety and security is a must

8. Promotional Factors ✪

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1
8.1. Bank that advertised on the social media
8.2. Referred by other customers and family has influenced my bank decision
8.3. Personal contact from the bank marketing staff has influenced my choice

9. Your gender ✪

10. Which country are you from? ✪

11. Your age ✪

12. What type of business are you engaged in? ✪

13. Education level ✪

14. Income level (Please consider converting from in your currency) ✪