Motivational system in financial institutions

Dear respondents!

We ask you to participate in a survey, conducted by Mariana Tukachova (student of UP-501 group of Lviv Institute of Banking of University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine) to examine the state of motivational systems in financial institutions of Ukraine. Please carefully read each questionnaire and Circle the one answer that best matches your opinion. You should not point your name.


Anonymous questionnaire. Summary results will be used in scientific purposes. Thank you for your cooperation!

The poll results are public

1.Do you work in financial institution?

2.Do you think that incentives and other benefits will influence your performance ?

3. Which type of incentives motivates you more ?

4. Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of the organization?

5. What factors affect your level of motivation towards work ? (Please rate each option in the scale of 5, where 1 is absolutely no and 5 – absolutely yes)

Fiancial rewards
Praise and acknowledgmenet
Public recognition
Job security
Working environment (management style, benefits, perks)

6. Consequently, what factors de-motivate you in doing your work? (Please rate each option in the scale of 5, where 1 is absolutely no and 5 – absolutely yes)

Low salary
No opportunities for learning and advancement
Poor working environment
Lack skills needed for the job

7.What are things that you like best in your workplace?

8. What are the things that you think need improvement in your workplace?

9. What is the most important to you when you decide where to work?

10. Which forms of staff motivation use bank where you work (multiple answers)?

11. How much the following things are important by choosing a job? (Please rate each option in the scale of 5, where 1 is absolutely no and 5 – absolutely yes)

High wages
bank reputation
career opportunities
independence in performing tasks
participation in the management of the bank
provision of office equipment
favorable psychological climate
possibility of learning by doing
variety of work
the presence of intangible incentives
flexible labor regime

12. Choose a statement that best describes you as an employee:

Your gender:

14. Your age:

15. Your average monthly income: