Open House 2009

Please fill in your answers in order we can improve future events. It will take only 2-3 minutes. Thank You.

How did you find out about CSC Open House?

Why did you decide to participate?

Have you heard about CSC prior to the event?

What have you heard about CSC before?

Did you like the Open House event?

What do you think about the official presentation of the company?

What do you think about the presentation "Meet CSC employees live!"?

Did you find the unofficial part of the event useful (for those who stayed in a café)?

Do you think the event was organized well?

Has the event increased your desire to become an employee of CSC?

Are you encouraged to study independently in order to become a suitable candidate for CSC?

Please share any feedback/comments/remarks/advice that previous questions/answers have not covered.

  1. na
  2. no comments
  3. yes
  4. nothing
  5. i still lacked more information about the specific job areas and job descriptions.
  6. for me, the results of this event were not so good because i found out you are looking for employers just.
  7. this company presentation was pretty good and well organized, i got all my questions answered. it wo
  8. it was all right :)
  9. truck employers.
  10. such an event would be much more meaningful (for both csc and the participants) if you would look for emp.
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