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ago more than 15y
Open House 2009
Please fill in your answers in order we can improve future events. It will take only 2-3 minutes. Thank You.
Results are publicly available
How did you find out about CSC Open House?
I have received an email from the International Relations Office
I have read an ad on the webpage of the Career Centre
I have read on the CSC webpage
I have seen a poster at the University
I have received a flyer
My friends told me
Why did you decide to participate?
I have heard about the company, but wanted to know more
I was excited about the entertaining event program
I am looking for a job
I had never heard of the company before, so I wanted to find out more
No specific reason
Have you heard about CSC prior to the event?
Yes, many times
Yes, the name was familiar
Yes, but I was not sure what the company does
No, it was the first time
What have you heard about CSC before?
It is a big company
It is a good place to work
Good career opportunities
The company focuses on IT specialists
The company focuses on Scandinavian speakers
Some negative feedback
Did you like the Open House event?
What do you think about the official presentation of the company?
Interesting and useful
A lot of new information
I knew almost everything from the CSC webpage
It was too long
It was boring
What do you think about the presentation "Meet CSC employees live!"?
Interesting and informative
Refreshing and giving insight into real job functions
Too simple and short
Did you find the unofficial part of the event useful (for those who stayed in a café)?
Yes, I got answers to all my questions
Yes, it was a good chance to communicate with representatives and other participants
No, I stayed only for snacks
No, I did not get the information I wanted
Do you think the event was organized well?
Yes, everything was organized very well
Yes, despite some minor details
No, not everything was thought through well enough
No, I did not like the way it was organized
Has the event increased your desire to become an employee of CSC?
Yes, very much
Yes, though I had a strong desire even before the event
No, I was disappointed
No, it was not what I expected
Are you encouraged to study independently in order to become a suitable candidate for CSC?
Yes, I will study to gain the necessary qualifications
Yes, but I will not spend a lot of time and effort
No, I would rather find a job elsewhere
No, I'm not interested in job opportunities at CSC
Please share any feedback/comments/remarks/advice that previous questions/answers have not covered.