Post-school Educational Provision (for students)

The object of this proposed research is to try to discover, during these current times of global instability relating to economic, social, and commercial factors, what are the main effects on students in terms of how they approach the issue of entering post-school educational provision.

It is also proposed from both students and teaching staff, to discover what changes in the structure of the academic year, methods of delivery, and modes of study, new curriculum areas and sources of finance may be appropriate in meeting these concerns for both students and educational establishments.

This proposal has arisen from direct experience in discussion of such factors as:

1 Exiting pressure to enter study immediately after leaving school.

2 Difficulty with the traditional model of classroom education and so reluctance to continue with this mode.

3 Difficulty in choosing, and attractiveness of range of programmes available.

4 Financial barriers.

5 Concerns for the future in terms of the environment and economy.

6 Possible dis-satisfaction with established societal expectations.

7 Financial pressures on colleges and universities and a resulting pressure to reduce costs and increase income.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

When you choose a course of study, how important to you are the prospects of employment when you finish?

Which existing courses do you consider offer the greatest chances of appropriate level employment? ✪

What new programmes do you believe should be introduced to meet current and ‘near future’ changes in technology, manufacturing, and business? ✪

What are the main barriers that would prevent you from beginning a course? ✪

Do you consider that the traditional academic calendar and course duration are still valid, or could they be modified?

Do you feel that it would be more suitable if full time course duration could be shortened?

Do you feel that post-school education, as it is just now, is worth the cost?

Do you believe that you will have to retrain during your working life? Please, explain.

As the age for retirement will gradually increase, how do you think the issue of an increase in expected individual working life for all can be met?

Should the cost of education best be met through:

Your age:

You are:

Your institution and country: