Savings and Financial habits: Money management understanding


We are a group of third-year New Media Language students at Kaunas University of Technology. We are conducting a research study in which we are analyzing the financial literacy and money-spending habits of various individuals.

All the answers are anonymous, and the results will be used only for research purposes.

Participation in the survey is voluntary; hence, you can leave the survey at any time. If you have any questions or other concerns feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Thank you for your time.



Results are publicly available

Your age: ✪

Your gender: ✪

Are you currently studying? ✪

Your occupation: ✪

What is your source of income? (Multiple choices are possible) ✪

How do you keep track of your monthly income and expenses? (Multiple choices are possible) ✪

How do you manage your savings? (Multiple choices are possible) ✪

On average, what percentage of your yearly income do you manage to save? ✪

What makes up the biggest amount of your monthly expenses? Choose up to 3 options. ✪

Do you save money consciously? ✪

What money-saving choices do you make on a day-to-day basis (even if you are not trying to save money)? (Multiple choices are possible) ✪

When looking for a product to buy (food, electronics, clothes), you usually ✪

Have you ever given up any of your habits because it was too expensive for your livelihood? ✪

What are the main reasons you are saving for or would be saving for? Choose up to 3 options. ✪

How confident are you in your financial literacy? ✪

Not confident