Author: gediminasskrabulis

Sustainability in University payment systems
Welcome to our survey! We are students from Kaunas University of Technology, who are taking action to innovate the payment system in our university. This survey is to analyze the relevance and the necessity of the innovation.The idea is simple: we want to create an app that will connect every single university-related payment (dormitory fee, failed subjects, printing, public transportation, etc....) to a system, that will allow us to handle transactions by a single click. That also means you will be able to use your phone to buy an inner-city public transport ticket via NFC.This innovation will remove the discomfort of always carrying around too many cards and documents and will create a digital alternative to reduce plastic waste from cards.Respondents in this research are volunteers, which means you are able to withdraw at any moment.If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to [email protected] Thank you for your time.
Savings and Financial habits: Money management understanding
Hello,We are a group of third-year New Media Language students at Kaunas University of Technology. We are conducting a research study in which we are analyzing the financial literacy and money-spending habits of various individuals.All the answers are anonymous, and the results will be used only for research purposes.Participation in the survey is voluntary; hence, you can leave the survey at any time. If you have any questions or other concerns feel free to contact me at [email protected] you for your time.  
Use and knowledge of AI
Hello! I am a second-year New Media Language student at the Kaunas University of Technology. The goal of this survey is to find out if the use of AI in various fields is a common practice among students.The user data will be kept anonymous in the survey with the opportunity to withdraw from the study at any given moment. Once the survey is filled out, you will be able to review the results. If you wish to withdraw from this study or have any questions, please contact me via my email: [email protected] Thank you for your time and contribution.