Service gap analysis of Teletalk Limited Bangladesh

I am a student of BBA, Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka. I’m conducting a survey on Measuring Service Quality Level of Teletalk Limited Bangladesh and would like to know your views and opinions. Please give a few minutes to help me by completing this Questionnaire. The collected data through the survey will be used only for developing the thesis and will not be disclosed elsewhere.

Here, Expectation is the service you thought you would receive.

And perception is the service you've received.






      1. Teletalk has up-to-date equipment

      2. Teletalk's employees are well dressed, neat & clean.

      3. When Teletalk promises to provide something by a certain time, it does so.

      4. Teletalk is dependable

      5. Customer care department of Teletalk always responds rapidly.

      6. Teletalk's service people tell exactly the time when service can be provided.

      7. Teletalk's customers can trust service people.

      8. Teletalk employee’s behavior for inspiring repeated use of their services is very good.

      9. SIM and other service prices of Teletalk compared to other telecom industries are reasonable.

      10. Teletalk can meet the expectations of customers' desires.

      11. Teletalk's operating hours are convenient for all customers.

      11.Teletalk's operating hour is convenient to all customers.

      Create your questionnaireAnswer this form