Spread of information and public's reaction to the Ukraine-Russia conflict on social media

What opinions do you mostly see on social media regarding this conflict?

  1. That Ukraine is the victim and they fight for their right to be independent. And Russia is an aggressor
  2. Ukraine win
  3. Most of the people I see on social media are backing the Ukrainians. However if you dig deeper you can dre a lot of Russian propoganda. Especially on a platform such as Twitter.
  4. Mostly negative.
  5. Either pro-russian, or pro-ukrainian. Maybe neutral-sided too.
  6. Mostly that Ukraine survives solely on NATO support
  7. A lot of contraversial opinions, but a lot of true ones too.
  8. support for ukraine
  9. Pro-Ukrainian or anti-beast
  10. Mostly - really bad thoughts about Russia and russian language
  11. Different range of opinions, but mostly people supporting Ukraine
  12. Pro-Ukraine
  13. That Russia is a terrorist state for doing what they are doing
  14. Bad news and support
  15. Mostly hating russians and Putin
  16. Pro ukraine
  17. Domina tik realijos ir karo analitikų įžvalgos.Šiaip žmonių nuomonės nedomina.
  18. Ukraine positive and Russia negative. I do not see vice versa a lot in Czech Republic.
  19. Various
  20. Hate on Russia, big support on Ukraine
  21. Negative
  22. Russia is the aggressor, inhuman cruelty, various aid to Ukraine, the issue of refugees. The care and help of the whole world. European aid to Ukraine and joining NATO.
  23. That ukranians are lazy and whant everithing for free
  24. I often hear that russian soldiers are killing innocent citizens
  25. Against the war
  26. Prowestern and prorussia, proukrainian are missing because for ukrainians the best thing would be to end the conflict asap.
  27. That ukranians are the only ones who suffered form russian opression
  28. Russia being a terrorist state and Ukraine pushing back as of lately.
  29. That Ukraine does nothing wrong and ruzzia does all wrong. And the hopes that Ukraine will win! I hope they do.
  30. People support Ukraine
  31. Pro-ukrianian
  32. Whether to support russia or Ukraine
  33. Russia is a terrorist country
  34. I mostly see donations, news
  35. Supporting Ukraine
  36. I see more support for Ukraine than Russia so I’m happy about that
  37. Varying. I follow both pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian accounts to see both sides of the coin.
  38. Usually the ones supporting Ukraine
  39. Most are supporting Ukraine.
  40. Supporting Ukraine and hating russians as it should be
  41. Support for Ukraine
  42. Everybody supports Ukraine.
  43. Mostly I see the ones in support of Ukraine
  44. Conflicts resolved
  45. Facebook or instagram dont show me information about that anymore.