Spread of information and public's reaction to the Ukraine-Russia conflict on social media

Why did you pick that particular option in the question above?

  1. because I support Ukraine's right to be an independent state
  2. I can think ho i can trust
  3. Ukrainians were attacked without any real motive that could objectively be considered as viable. The Russians are making a lot of war crimes against the innocent people of Ukraine.
  4. Agression towards Ukraine is agression towards Europe.
  5. Because it is the right option.
  6. Because after the war Ukraine is going to be in a massive debt and Russian people are manipulated by the few who are in control. Neither russians nor Ukrainians should be involved in it.
  7. Because russia is still the aggressor, and killing innocent people, bombing schools, hospitals, apartment houses can never be justified.
  8. because it was russian invasion to the free country, historical similarities to Lithuania
  9. This invasion is not human
  10. I don't have to comment, facts tell everything
  11. I think it’s obvious:)
  12. The only right asnwer
  13. Because war was unnecessary and Russian actions are out of line
  14. .
  15. I am anti-war and since Russia has started this conflict from 2014, I was always against their aggressions towards Ukraine. Because most of the arguments from the Russian government are very pro-USSR.
  16. Because I support Ukraine
  17. O koks pasirinkimas?Normalus žmogus visada yra kenčiančių pusėje.Negi palaikysi žudikus.
  18. I do believe that this nation was not rightfully attacked by Russia.
  19. Because i dont think there should be war
  20. Why not?
  21. I don’t follow much what happens in ukraina. Plus the war is not in my country. Yet.
  22. An independent European country, our close neighbors. the course of the war in Ukraine will determine the situation in the rest of Europe. I feel empathy for Ukrainians.
  23. Because Rusia started this war
  24. Because russia attacked ukraine and ukraine are fighting for its independent
  25. Because it is true
  26. The invasion was wrong, but so was the Maidan coup in 2014. Ivan Katchanovski from Ottawa university has proved that Maidan massacre was carried out by militants among the protesters, and this was the original root cause of the Russia-Ukraine war. Polls in February 2014 indicated that Maidan protests did not have support of the majority of Ukrainians. In 2008, when president Bush forced NATO allies to call Ukraine to become NATO member, the majority of Ukrainians did not support its NATO-membership.
  27. I have family in Ukraine.
  28. Living in Lithuania and having known Rusia’s and Putin’s previous history extensively there is no motive to voice any kind of support for them.
  29. Because I am Lithuanian and from my grandparents I know how ruzzia does what they do. Ukrainaians dont have to explain... We know.
  30. Because my country is Ukraine
  31. Because war is terrible and Russia is a terrorist state.
  32. russia started this war, a lot of propaganda is going on in that country
  33. I mean, it’s self-explanatory, isn’t it? Russia is in the wrong. No one can decide on other country’s or person’s freedom.
  34. Because the conflict was caused by russians
  35. There is no other way. Russians are terrorists and criminals
  36. Because it’s the only right option
  37. I do not support Russia's aggressive and interventionist foreign policy.
  38. Because my family has friends there
  39. I support Ukraine because Russia is doing wrong things against Ukrainian people.
  40. Russia is a terrorist country and I cannot believe that people are so brainwashed there.
  41. I know history and that that Russia is occupant and want others independed
  42. Because Ukraine needs to win
  43. Because Russia is the agressor in this situation
  44. I'm I a dilemma
  45. I don't like Putin