Spread of information and public's reaction to the Ukraine-Russia conflict on social media

Why did you pick that particular option in the question above?

  1. Why not?
  2. I don’t follow much what happens in ukraina. Plus the war is not in my country. Yet.
  3. An independent European country, our close neighbors. the course of the war in Ukraine will determine the situation in the rest of Europe. I feel empathy for Ukrainians.
  4. Because Rusia started this war
  5. Because russia attacked ukraine and ukraine are fighting for its independent
  6. Because it is true
  7. The invasion was wrong, but so was the Maidan coup in 2014. Ivan Katchanovski from Ottawa university has proved that Maidan massacre was carried out by militants among the protesters, and this was the original root cause of the Russia-Ukraine war. Polls in February 2014 indicated that Maidan protests did not have support of the majority of Ukrainians. In 2008, when president Bush forced NATO allies to call Ukraine to become NATO member, the majority of Ukrainians did not support its NATO-membership.
  8. I have family in Ukraine.
  9. Living in Lithuania and having known Rusia’s and Putin’s previous history extensively there is no motive to voice any kind of support for them.
  10. Because I am Lithuanian and from my grandparents I know how ruzzia does what they do. Ukrainaians dont have to explain... We know.