Style of sex within Devotional Sex

Is there anything you want to add arising from anything in the above survey?

  1. If the Princess wants to make sure her knight is safe even if he doesn't have orgasms often, she can do a prostate massage with her finger or with a product made to do that every week or so. His prostate should stay healthy that way.
  2. Ejaculation is now very rare for me and it brings us even closer together maybe not even once a month and then only when my Princess decides and tells me to, not often these days and not needed.
  3. No
  4. creating disparity between male and female orgasm (her at least 5 to his 1) is very intense intimacy for us
  5. Curious if circumcision is often done!
  6. For many years we were used to Tantra-Sex eg. not to ejaculate often. With DevS it works even netter. (we are 74 years old and enjoy DevS very much.
  7. we find this way of life so positive we only wish everyone was doing it. it has helped our marriage in every way possible.
  8. just starting hoping sex habits change
  9. My wife and I are practicing Devotional Sex for almost three years. Our relationship changed al lot. She has taken more and more control. I used to masturbate a lot, secretly by myself. That's completely over now. I only masturbate now under her supervision. At the most I am allowed to orgasm once a week. She has much more orgasms, almost daily.
  10. Just want to thank you for this, its completely changed how both of us view sex. Twice daily devotional cuddles (wake up and before bed) have helped communication so much. After some hesitation by the Knight on affirmation we've embraced that and really found its benefits. Thank you so much for everything.