Survey: Research on the Quality of Service Provided During Flights and the Level of Satisfaction of Guests

Hello, I am Cynthia Chan, currently studying Aviation Management at Coventry University. I am conducting an academic research regarding the quality of service provided during flights and the level of satisfaction of guests. This questionnaire will take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time. The data collected will be used solely for this academic research, and all relevant data and information will be destroyed once the study is completed. I am very grateful for your assistance with this research, thank you!! :)

You are

Which age group do you fall into?

Your nationality is:

Your education level is:

On average, how many times do you fly per year?

What is the purpose of your flights?

In the second part, please rate your level of experience based on your past flights (1=Very Dissatisfied, 8=Very Satisfied, 0=No Opinion)

Create your questionnaireAnswer this form