Survey: Research on the Quality of Service Provided During Flights and the Level of Satisfaction of Guests

Hello, I am Cynthia Chan, currently studying Aviation Management at Coventry University. I am conducting an academic research regarding the quality of service provided during flights and the level of satisfaction of guests. This questionnaire will take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time. The data collected will be used solely for this academic research, and all relevant data and information will be destroyed once the study is completed. I am very grateful for your assistance with this research, thank you!! :)

Questionnaire results are publicly available

You are ✪

Which age group do you fall into? ✪

Your nationality is:

Your education level is: ✪

On average, how many times do you fly per year? ✪

What is the purpose of your flights? ✪

In the second part, please rate your level of experience based on your past flights (1=Very Dissatisfied, 8=Very Satisfied, 0=No Opinion) ✪

1. The flight you took was able to take off and arrive at its destination on time according to the original schedule.
2. The meals served during the flight were often delicious.
3. The cabin crew always provided you with the correct service promptly.
4. The meals during the flight were high-quality food and beverages.
5. You feel confident because of the cabin crew's behavior during the flight.
6. You often feel safe when you are on a flying airplane.
7. The cabin crew can answer your questions based on their knowledge.
8. The seats in the cabin are clean and comfortable.
9. You feel pleased due to the modern entertainment facilities during the flight.
10. The cabin crew can resolve your difficulties.
11. The cabin offers stable Wi-Fi, or network, or telephone services.
12. The cabin crew is uniformly polite to you.
13. The cabin crew is consistently tidy and clean.
14. You often feel confident when you are on a flying airplane.
15. You can get accurate flight information.
16. The uniform of the cabin crew is often nice and clean.
17. The cabin crew understands your special needs.
18. The cabin crew can attentively take care of your needs.
19. You enjoy alcoholic beverages during the flight.
20. You like to choose non-alcoholic beverages when flying in an airplane.
21. The cabin crew is willing to assist you.
22. Even in busy situations, the cabin crew is willing to respond to you.
23. You often enjoy personal entertainment devices during the flight.
24. The cabin crew has an excellent appearance.
25. The meals during the flight are clean.
26. The cabin crew can recognize you as a frequent traveler (frequent traveler means: if you fly with the same airline periodically, the cabin crew can recognize you).
27. The cabin crew gives you immediate feedback and appropriate service.
28. The cabin crew has sufficient and clear knowledge of security measures.
29. The cabin crew often smiles at you.

What suggestions or complaints do you have regarding the services provided during flights today? ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

What expectations do you have for the services provided during future flights, or what new services would you like to see added? ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible