The Baltic States as a Tourist Destination

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your responses will be used forthe master's thesis on international marketing management by Milda Mizarienė, who is studying at ISM(University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania). The time required for your response isonly 10minutes.

Your answers are voluntary and will not be made public. Individual answers will also not be used to identify individuals. Analysis will be conducted after aggregating all responses.

The survey will be conducted over a period of3weeks fromMarch 20, 2013toApril 9, 2013.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please feel free to contact[email protected]. We will respond promptly.

In this survey, a7-point scale is provided for many questions. Please mark the number that is closest to your opinion.For1question item, do not mark more than2numbers.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Please ensure you respond to them.

1.* How much experience do you have traveling to areas outside Japan for vacations or leisure throughout your life?

2.* How much experience do you have traveling to Europe for vacations or leisure?

3.* When traveling for vacations or leisure, do you usually

4.* What is the likelihood that you will travel abroad for vacations or leisure in the next five years?

5.* Are you familiar with the Baltic States?

6.* Have you ever been to the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, or Estonia)?

7.* How likely are you to recommend the Baltic States as a travel destination for vacations or leisure to others?

8.* Based on your knowledge of the Baltic States, write down three words that you think represent the Baltic States well.


    9.* Based on your knowledge of the Baltic States, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? (1 - strongly disagree; 7 - strongly agree)

    10.* If you traveled to the Baltic States for leisure in the last five years, my trip would have been ______ (please fill in the blanks with the following phrases and answer).

    11.* Many important people in my life would approve of my visiting the Baltic States for leisure.

    12.* Many important people in my life consider the Baltic States to be an attractive destination for vacations or leisure.

    13.* Many important people in my life think that I should ____ visit the Baltic States (please fill in the blanks with the following two phrases).

    14.* When any problems arise from my traveling for leisure, I want to do what important people in my life think I should do.

    15.* When any problems arise from my traveling for leisure, I care about what important people in my life think.

    16.* Whether I visit the Baltic States soon is something I decide for myself.

    17.* I intend to allocate time and money to be able to visit the Baltic States in the future.

    18.* For me, traveling to the Baltic States is inexpensive and affordable.

    19.* I do not think the Baltic States are too far for leisure travel.

    20.* For me, visiting the Baltic States is easy.

    21.* I should be able to travel to the Baltic States for leisure if I wish.

    22.* I want to visit the Baltic States in the future.

    23.* I plan to visit the Baltic States within the next five years.

    24.* Your gender is,

    25.* Your age is,

    26.* Your educational background is,

    27.* Your occupation is,

    28.* Your annual income is,

    29.* Your nationality is,

    Create Your QuestionnaireAnswer this form