The Baltic States as a Tourist Destination

8.* Based on your knowledge of the Baltic States, write down three words that you think represent the Baltic States well.

  1. country of origin of ozeki bart: former soviet union
  2. 1) the threat from russia 2) independence 3) it's better not to buy nuclear power plants from japan (or anywhere else). how are you going to store nuclear waste for 100,000 years? *as for question 9 below, to be honest, i don't know because i have no knowledge of tourism related to the baltic states.*
  3. baltic sea, eastern europe, amber
  4. history beauty
  5. cold (in a climatic sense), warmth (in a personal sense), miscellaneous goods.
  6. safety, cross-cultural, beautiful
  7. cold, close to russia, the streets are beautiful.
  8. beautiful nature, vibrant music education, mixed culture.
  9. the three countries of latvia, estonia, and lithuania (i'm not sure if the official country names are correct...)
  10. eu
  11. nature / simplicity / sumo
  12. former soviet union, small country, nature
  13. nature, distant, cold
  14. soviet union gorbachev post-communism
  15. beautiful northern country unstable situation
  16. driving south in a ferrari (a way to remember the arrangement of countries: finland, estonia, latvia, lithuania), the baltic sea, rainer (a friend from estonia)
  17. i don't understand.
  18. rare distant unique
  19. seaside, soviet union, tall people
  20. history
  21. ignorance, soviet union, beauty
  22. beautiful winter is cold far from japan
  23. cold, beautiful, friendly.
  24. balt (a sumo wrestler), the baltic sea, russia