Dear research participant,

I am a master's student in Human Resource Management at Vilnius University. I am writing my master's thesis, which aims to investigate how managerial coaching skills affect team performance effectiveness by determining how team learning and team psychological empowerment influence this relationship. For the research, I have chosen teams whose work is project-based, and therefore I invite employees working in project teams to participate in my master's thesis research. Completing the research questionnaire will take you up to 20 minutes. There are no right answers in the questionnaire, so please base your evaluations on your work experience.

Your participation is very important, as this research is the first of its kind in Lithuania, examining the impact of managerial coaching skills on project teams in terms of learning and empowerment.

This research is being conducted during the master's program at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Vilnius University.

As a token of appreciation for your contribution, I will gladly share the summarized research results with you. At the end of the questionnaire, there is a section for you to enter your email address.

I assure you that all respondents are guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality. All data will be presented in a summarized form, in which it will not be possible to identify any specific individual who participated in the study. Each respondent can fill out the questionnaire only once. If you have any questions related to this questionnaire, please contact me at this email: [email protected]

What is project team activity?

It is a temporary activity undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Project teams are characterized by a temporary group union consisting of 2 or more members, uniqueness, complexity, dynamism, the requirements they face, and the context in which they encounter these requirements.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Do you work in a team while executing projects? ✪

Rate your project manager's skills. Evaluate the statements on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – neither agree nor disagree, 4 – agree, 5 – strongly agree.

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
When I share my feelings with my manager, it seems that the manager feels comfortable.
When a certain situation requires my manager's expertise, he/she willingly discusses it.
When faced with new problems, my manager first listens to my opinion.
When I work with my manager, he/she discusses his/her expectations with me.
My manager prefers to work together with others to accomplish tasks.
As part of the work group, my manager prefers to work towards group consensus.
When a decision needs to be made, my manager prefers to participate with others in determining outcomes.
When analyzing a problem, my manager tends to rely on group ideas.
In discussions with me, my manager focuses on my individual needs.
When organizing business meetings, my manager leaves time for relationship building.
When facing a conflict between individual needs and tasks, my manager prioritizes meeting people's needs.
In daily work, my manager considers people's needs outside of work.
My manager views differences of opinion as constructive.
When I make career-related decisions, my manager emphasizes taking risks.
When my manager seeks solutions to problems, he/she tends to try new approaches.
My manager treats workplace disagreements as exciting.
When I share my feelings with my manager, it seems that the manager feels comfortable.
When a certain situation requires my manager's expertise, he/she willingly discusses it.
When faced with new problems, my manager first listens to my opinion.
When I work with my manager, he/she discusses his/her expectations with me.

Evaluate how your team learns, shares, and applies acquired knowledge. Evaluate the statements on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – neither agree nor disagree, 4 – agree, 5 – strongly agree.

Miseensonni garee odeeffannoo walitti qabuu irratti dandeettii qabu.
Responses to this question are not publicly visible
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
There is an organized and effective knowledge acquisition process.
Team members are competent in gathering information.
The team effectively acquires knowledge.
The knowledge acquisition process is productive.
I often share my work reports and official documents with our team members.
I always provide my prepared work guides, methodologies, and models to our team members.
I often share my work experience or knowledge with our team members.
I always provide information about what I know and where I know it from when the team asks for it.
I strive to share my experience gained during studies or training more effectively with my team members.
Team members summarize and integrate their experiences at the project level.
Team members' competencies cover several areas to create a common project concept.
Team members see how various parts of these projects fit together.
Team members competently combine new project-related knowledge with existing knowledge.

Evaluate the factors of your team's intrinsic motivation. Evaluate the statements on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – neither agree nor disagree, 4 – agree, 5 – strongly agree.

Garee koo hojiin cimaa ta'ee, baay'ee hojjachuu danda'a.
Responses to this question are not publicly visible
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My team trusts its abilities.
My team can achieve a lot when it works hard.
My team believes it can be very productive.
My team thinks its projects are meaningful.
My team feels that the tasks it performs are meaningful.
My team feels that its work is meaningful.
My team can choose different ways to perform team work.
My team decides for itself how the work will be done.
My team makes decisions on its own without asking the manager.
My team positively impacts the organization's clients.
My team performs tasks that are important to this organization.
My team has a positive impact on this organization.

Evaluate your team's performance effectiveness and efficiency. Evaluate the statements on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – neither agree nor disagree, 4 – agree, 5 – strongly agree.

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Based on the results, this project can be considered successful.
All client requirements were met.
From the company's perspective, all project goals were achieved.
The team's activities improved our image in the eyes of clients.
The project result was of high quality.
The client was satisfied with the quality of the project result.
The team was satisfied with the project result.
The product or service required little correction.
The service or product proved to be stable in operation.
The service or product proved to be reliable in operation.
From the company's perspective, one can be satisfied with the project's progress.
Overall, the project was completed economically efficiently.
Overall, the project was implemented efficiently using time.
The project was executed on schedule.
The project was implemented without exceeding the budget.

Your gender ✪

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Your length of service at your current workplace: ✪

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You are (choose): ✪

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In which sector do you work? ✪

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The last project work done with the team was (how long ago was it done): ✪

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Your team size: ✪

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Your organization size: ✪

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Your education? ✪

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If you would like to receive the research results - general anonymized conclusions, please provide your email address

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