User Experience in Virtual Worlds and Usage of Virtual Worlds for Educational Purposes

This is the user experience research, which aims to find out the impression lived by the virtual worlds on users participating in the educational process. The second part of survey collects useful information and recommendations concerning usage of virtual worlds for educational purposes by the practitioners. Around 15-30 minutes for taking part in this survey will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. Your role: ✪

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2. Have you visited virtual world(s)? ✪

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If your answer is positive, please answer the questions below. Name of virtual world ✪

Please answer for each virtual world separately (the set of questions will be repeated 3 times)
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3. Please evaluate in 100% scale: ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
overall satisfaction using virtual world
usage simplicity
simplicity in getting accustomed
simplicity of making objects
simplicity of manipulating avatar
simplicity of navigation through the menu
simplicity of orientation
visibility of text in messages and menus
messages, menus and buttons are formulated using natural understandable language
system control (Do you always know what is going on in the system?)
system control (Is it easy to undo or cancel any unwanted action?)
quality of help and documentation
aesthetic design
the efficiency of built-in functionality for work acceleration (keyboard shortcuts, drag and drop mechanisms, etc.)
how helpful are system messages?
system prevents user from making mistakes
names of actions are uniform
using additional gestures is comfortable
this virtual world absorbs user (it offers a lot of interesting activities)
this is the technology of the future

(2) Name of virtual world

Please answer for the next virtual world, otherwise continue from question 4.
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3. (2) Please evaluate in 100% scale:

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
overall satisfaction using virtual world
usage simplicity
simplicity in getting accustomed
simplicity of making objects
simplicity of manipulating avatar
simplicity of navigation through the menu
simplicity of orientation
visibility of text in messages and menus
messages, menus and buttons are formulated using natural understandable language
system control (Do you always know what is going on in the system?)
system control (Is it easy to undo or cancel any unwanted action?)
quality of help and documentation
aesthetic design
the efficiency of built-in functionality for work acceleration (keyboard shortcuts, drag and drop mechanisms, etc.)
how helpful are system messages?
system prevents user from making mistakes
names of actions are uniform
using additional gestures is comfortable
this virtual world absorbs user (it offers a lot of interesting activities)
this is the technology of the future

(3) Name of virtual world

Please answer for the next virtual world, otherwise continue from question 4.
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3. (3) Please evaluate in 100% scale:

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
overall satisfaction using virtual world
usage simplicity
simplicity in getting accustomed
simplicity of making objects
simplicity of manipulating avatar
simplicity of navigation through the menu
simplicity of orientation
visibility of text in messages and menus
messages, menus and buttons are formulated using natural understandable language
system control (Do you always know what is going on in the system?)
system control (Is it easy to undo or cancel any unwanted action?)
quality of help and documentation
aesthetic design
the efficiency of built-in functionality for work acceleration (keyboard shortcuts, drag and drop mechanisms, etc.)
how helpful are system messages?
system prevents user from making mistakes
names of actions are uniform
using additional gestures is comfortable
virtual world absorbs user (it offers a lot of interesting activities)
this is the technology of the future

4. Would you like your educational institution to offer educational activities using virtual world? ✪

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If your answer is positive, please specify what kind of activities could be offered.

Please answer for each virtual world separately (the set of questions will be repeated 3 times)
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5. What could be an obstacle for wider use of virtual worlds for educational purposes? ✪

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If you’ve marked other, please specify:

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6. Have you experienced any technical difficulties in accessing virtual world? ✪

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If you’ve marked other, please specify:

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7. Do you plan to work or lecture your own course in any of the virtual worlds? ✪

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If your answer in 7 is positive, please indicate what virtual world do you plan to use and why? If your answer is negative, please indicate what caused such a decision? ✪

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As you have experienced lecturing in the virtual world we would be especially grateful for you for answering questions below. Name of virtual world

Please answer for each virtual world, otherwise continue from question 19.
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Level (type) of course in the educational system

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Specialty / field / subject

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8. What, in your opinion, is the biggest challenge preparing the course for teaching in this virtual world?

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9. What is the most difficult while teaching in this virtual world?

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10. What would you call the most valuable feature in this virtual world for educators?

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11. Was the virtual world used only as a virtual auditorium?

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12. What methods do you use to simplify the adaptation in virtual world for participants of the course who are beginners in the virtual world?

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13. When lecturing in virtual world you:

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14. What functionality or feature would you like to add to your resources in virtual world?

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15. What problems have you experienced during a course and how were they solved?

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16. Who created graphical and interactive content for your course?

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17. What is your experience with scripting language used for programming motion of objects?

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18. Do you experience lack of time during the lecture due to the slowness in manipulating avatars, delays while navigating through menu options, time losses in written chat communications and so on?

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If you’ve marked other, please specify:

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(2) Name of virtual world

Please answer for the other virtual world, otherwise continue from question 19.
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Level (type) of course in the educational system

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

Specialty / field

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

8. (2) What, in your opinion, is the biggest challenge preparing the course for teaching in this virtual world?

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

9. (2) What is the most difficult while teaching in this virtual world?

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10. (2) What would you call the most valuable feature in this virtual world for educators?

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11. (2) Was the virtual world used only as a virtual auditorium?

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

12. (2) What methods do you use to simplify the adaptation in virtual world for participants of the course who are beginners in the virtual world?

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

13. (2) While lecturing in virtual world you:

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14. (2) What functionality or feature would you like to add to your resources in virtual world?

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

15. (2) What problems have you experienced during a course and how were they solved?

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16. (2) Who created graphical and interactive content for your course?

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

17. (2) What is your experience with scripting language used for programming motion of objects?

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18. (2) Do you experience lack of time during the lecture due to the slowness in manipulating avatars, delays while navigating through menu options, time losses in written chat communications and so on?

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If you’ve marked other, please specify:

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19. Additional comments on using virtual worlds for educational purposes or concerning this survey

Do you have additional comments? Do you think that we have missed anything important, or would you like to comment on any of the topics addressed by this questionnaire? Your comments will provide us with additional valuable input.
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I am sincerely grateful for taking part in this survey. If you are interested in receiving the results please enter your e-mail address below.

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