OPEN READINGS 2011 conference feedback questionnaire

What would be your suggestions for the organizing committee for Open Readings 2012 ?

  1. Make the organizing committee bigger
  2. keep goin', fellows!
  3. You could divide oral presentations in a few days.
  4. To prolong poster session and forbid presenters to leave their posters but give extra time to visit each others posters for participants. This year it was too little time to see what others are trying to show.
  5. Carry on :)
  6. Evaluations of the presentations should perhaps be done by the outsiders as well, since when the performance is evaluated by a single person, it is overly biased.
  7. None
  8. More prezentations about semiconductors.
  9. more time between the deadline and the begining of the conferense. necessary for making visas
  10. Accommodate all participants in the same dormitory and prepare some tea/coffee/cookies for oral session coffee breaks. Maybe even some little conference fee for this purpose would be a good idea?