OPEN READINGS 2011 conference feedback questionnaire

What would be your suggestions for the organizing committee for Open Readings 2012 ?

  1. I don't have any suggestions.
  2. to collect more funds for better accomodayion and meals for participants. To promote in a better way OR conference, especially abroad (in Poland the Warsaw University was the only information source about the conference). Invite more international students, to begin the collaboration with western scientific associations. I had a feeling, that the conference was post-USSR countries meeting. It is really worth for organizers to come to Budapest in August 2011 for a International Conference for Physics Students (ICPS) organized by International Association of Physics Students (IAPS) and to promote their own Open Readings conference and start the new collaboration.
  3. a bit longer breaks between Oral sessions. :)
  4. Chairmans of oral sessions sometimes should be more precise with time schedule.
  5. Split the poster presentations into relevant fields of study: organic electronics, laser physics and so on
  6. As mentioned above, the contributions should be screened, or at least, oral presentations should be selected more carefully -- they must be based on original results!